Moving Beyond Awareness

Since Unlocking The Spectrum’s founding, we have been interested in not only providing resources for children with autism but educating and raising the awareness of autism in the community. Awareness is the first step of many to create a world where all children with autism can thrive. Awareness is needed for society to recognize that individuals with autism deserve access to the resources they need to thrive, but it can’t stop there. It has to move on to Appreciation.

Appreciation is the foundation of our work as ABA professionals. We strongly believe that starting with the unique and amazing qualities of the kiddos that we work with is the most important step in building skills and a healthy professional relationship. Appreciation is about seeing a whole person in front of you, their challenges, and their triumphs. It is about wanting to encourage that person and to help them grow, but never to change them.

This month, in honor of Autism Appreciation, take the time to share some of the things that you appreciate most about your child. Help us let the world know just how much there is to appreciate about every individual with autism!

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